Wednesday 20 November 2013

How to Understand Someone with Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain may not seem like a big deal to most people as many people do not tend to understand chronic pain and its effects. Most people do not realise that chronic pain sufferers have attempted so many ways to try and treat it and know which therapies work and don't. So if you wish to understand what chronic pain sufferers go through check out this information guide: How to Understand Someone with Chronic Pain


Monday 18 November 2013

A Guide to the Litigation Process for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Choosing to undertake litigation when you’re living with fibromyalgia caused by an accident or not covered properly by an insurance policy is a big decision. You are already in the position where you know you deserve the compensation but you need to follow the right processes to ensure you end up with it. Fibromyalgia compensation is not easily won but with the right specialist solicitor it is possible.

The process should roughly follow this order:

Choose a solicitor

Choose a solicitor who has a track record in handling fibromyalgia cases. This will ensure they know what they’re talking about and will believe you, whereas others will not have the experience to support your case.


The investigative stage is where you need to offer all the evidence of the accident or injury up. You also need to name the proposed defendant, highlight your injuries and long-term prognosis and detail all your losses due to the accident or injury.

Issue and Serve Proceeding

This needs to be done within three years of the accident or injury. Some defendants will deny there is any fault on their part which is when your solicitor will have to help you prove they were responsible and caused the accident. In most road traffic accidents the defendant will admit fault but then deny your losses and injuries are as substantial as you claim.

Instruct Experts

Suitable experts will be chosen to dissect the case and report back. In most instances your experts will report differently to the defendant’s. This is the point at which experts will try and reach an agreement and you or the defendant may choose to put forward an offer for consideration to settle.

Proceed to Court

If agreement can’t be reached then the case will go to court where a judge will decide on the outcome and you’ll either receive the compensation you were expecting or not.

Most cases can be settled before going to court and if you instruct a specialist you should be satisfied with the outcome.

Friday 15 November 2013

10 Ways to Look After Your Mental Health

You may not realise but really little things can help improve your mental health; check out these 10 ways to look after your mental health

  1. Talk about your feelings
  2. Eat well
  3. Keep in touch
  4. Take a break
  5. Accept who you are
  6. Keep active
  7. Drink sensibly
  8. Ask for help
  9. Do something you're good at
  10. Care for others

These simple things can help you feel so much better about yourself, so feeling down? Why not try some of these out! 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Compensation for Fibromyalgia after an Accident

Fibromyalgia is a life-changing chronic pain syndrome that effects the muscles and body tissue. It can result in joint stiffness, fatigue and continual, naturally unmanageable pain. It can occur as a result of a traumatic accident, a slip or fall and for many people is left undiagnosed for many years.

To be able to claim fibromyalgia compensation individuals need an official diagnosis. This can be hard to diagnose as it can’t be seen on x-rays, through blood tests or even through various scans. It is often a diagnosis doctors are careful about as it is so hard to pinpoint.

Living with fibromyalgia or any chronic pain is difficult and it can mean you need to make significant lifestyle changes. This is why a claim is necessary if you have seen the condition develop after an accident at work or through a road traffic accident.

Fibromyalgia can lead to the development of emotional problems as well as physical so the damage can be two-fold at least and it can be a hard condition to get to grips with. It isn’t a condition which can be seen, so socially sufferers can feel isolated as friends and family can’t quite understand how it can be as difficult to live with as you describe. These are just some of the consequences of the condition.

If you want to make a case for compensation for your condition you’ll need a specialist solicitor who has experience in the field and is also sensitive to your needs. They may need you to carry out a further medical assessment and there is the chance you will be able to take advantage of psychological therapy and physiotherapy to further alleviate your symptoms.

If it can be proved that your condition is caused by the traumatic accident then you should be entitled to compensation which should be able to be used to make living a little less difficult.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Ten Ways to Boost Your Health

Not sure how to keep healthy? Well here are 10 ways to boost your health

  1. Check your health
  2. Drink less alcohol
  3. Eat less salt and fat
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Eat more fruit and veg
  6. Keep stress in check
  7. Improve your sleep
  8. Quit smoking
  9. Get a sexual health check
  10. Check that lump

These may all seem very obvious things to do to you, but some people are completely oblivious and don't realise that these 10 tips can really help boost your health! 

Monday 11 November 2013

Managing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) has no cure. It’s a condition you have to learn to live with and there are many methods and treatments you can consider. Constant pain is very hard for GPs to treat and you may find you’re being offered more and more medication when other types of treatment could be effective.

Consider taking a different route and trying something new. Be aware it does come with a cost and it may mean, if your condition was triggered by an accident that wasn’t your fault, then it could be worth instructing a solicitor and launching a CRPS claim for compensation. Living with constant pain isn’t manageable to techniques are needed to alleviate it.

Pain Clinic

Get your GP to refer you to the local pain clinic. Specialists in these centres explore ways to manage your symptoms and may be able to refer you on for further tests to find you a manageable lifestyle. Learning to cope with pain is much more manageable with specialists on your side.


Most GPs should be happy to refer you to a physiotherapy who can offer specific exercise and stretching based techniques for managing the pain. Pain management with a physiotherapist can help you learn how to pace your days and manage each day in an individual personalised way.

Complementary Therapy

Some people swear by the value of acupuncture, osteopathy and hypnotherapy. Each of these complementary methods comes with a price tag but it might be able to alleviate your symptoms in some way. There’s nothing to specifically back them up except the thoughts and opinions of other satisfied clients.

Complex regional pain syndrome can change your life completely but doesn’t have to stop it in its tracks. Make sure you have all you’re entitled to in terms of compensation and benefits and search for the treatments that fit your lifestyle.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Eight Tips for Healthy Eating

Eating a healthy balanced diet is a very important part of life in order to keep yourself fit and of course healthy, at lesser risk of catching colds and other annoying illnesses. Not only that is can also help to make you feel better and good about yourself!

The key to a healthy diet is to eat the right amount of calories, eating too little calories for your body can be just as harmful as eating way too many; and eat a wide variety of food so that your body can get all the things it needs such as: protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and nutrients.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Making a Personal Injury Claim for CRPS

Living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is never easy to manage and psychologically it can be even harder if you know the syndrome has been caused by the actions of someone else. CRPS can be caused by an accident at work, a road traffic accident or perhaps a traumatic injury in a public place. In these instances it isn’t your fault and you can make a CRPS claim.

The first step is to find a solicitor who specialises in the condition or related chronic pain injury cases. You can utilise the Law Society directory to find a specialist or utilise the recommendations of friends or family.

Once you’ve chosen your solicitor they will need a considerable amount of information from you to put your case together, including:
  • When the accident or injury took place
  • The date of the accident or injury and how it happened
  • The contact details of any witnesses
  • The full details of your injury, medical diagnosis, treatment and long term prognosis
They may also ask you to provide proof of loss of earnings or any medical expenses such as the cost of physiotherapy or any other treatment you’ve had to alleviate the symptoms of your condition. With this information you solicitor should be able to tell you the likelihood of your case succeeding and the approximate compensation amount you should be able to expect.

If they agree to take your case on you should be provided with all the legal processes involved in the case and also send you a letter summarising the advice regarding your case and written proof they are acting on your behalf. All costings and potential fees should be worked into this letter and discussed where appropriate too.

CRPS can mean that your entire lifestyle needs to be adapted and this is why compensation exists.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Gardening can help with depression?

A recent study has found that spending more time working on your garden can actually help beat depression. The Study from Gardener's World found that people who work in the garden a lot tend to be healthier and happier. Watch this video clip to find out more:  Gardening Can Help Beat Depression, a study says

Friday 27 September 2013

Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain Syndrome

Chronic pain syndrome is an all too common condition which comes about after a trauma in many cases. Whether it’s a hard fall, an RTA or something else the lasting damage of chronic pain syndrome can be life-changing. Learning to live with chronic pain syndrome takes time but considering some non-drug based treatments can help. Here are our five suggestions for alternative treatment for chronic pain.

Alternative Therapies

Although there isn’t any significant research to support the claim, evidence is beginning to suggest that acupuncture can provide significant relief from chronic pain syndrome. Other alternative therapies including massage, meditation and visiting an osteopath can also help to relieve symptoms.


With recommendation from your GP light low-impact exercise such as walking and swimming can help relieve chronic pain. Many physiotherapy departments offer structured exercise classes which are designed to be gentle and help exercise the parts of your body which need to be stretched.


Sometimes your doctor will refer you for genuine physiotherapy or occupational therapy as opposed to exercising on your own. These sessions will be tailored to your medical needs and will work with your body to find ways of relieving your pain.

Nerve Stimulation

Nerve stimulation therapy comes in the form of electrical jolts (very small ones) being sent through the affected area of the body. The result is said to block the nerve impulses that cause the chronic pain. This type of therapy can be offered through a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machine or you can have an implantable device fitted.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy is a form of psychotherapy which has seen impressive results with some chronic pain patients. It works by helping you find ways to manage the discomfort you’re suffering and limit the extent to which it interferes with daily life. CBT helps many people who feel they are bound to lying in bed for the rest of their days realise there is scope for movement and there are possibilities.

All treatments should be sought with the support of a medical professional and should be tailored to your specific pain. 

Thursday 19 September 2013

Chronic Pain Syndrome

Here you can find out what types of accident or trauma could cause chronic pain syndrome, and how you can claim if you believe you have this syndrome due to an accident. If you have an accident or trauma and the pain last over 3 to 6 months it is then describe as chronic, this is when chronic pain syndrome comes into it. Chronic pain syndrome is a syndrome which refers to persistent pain that doesn't tend to have an identifiable source. It is often caused by a minor or major injury but doesn't always appear straight away, but a short period after; which sometimes means it can take a while to actually diagnose. Due to it being so unspecific and not having an identifiable source chronic pain syndrome can have a very poor response to therapy.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Food Allergies - Tips for eating out

Food Allergies - Tips for eating out

Just because you have a good allergy doesn't mean you should find dining out risky. However, food allergies used to mean dining out WAS limited to your back garden or eating at the home of a close friend. But now restaurants are more aware of food allergies, making it easier for people with food allergies to eat out! To find out more click the link above...

Monday 16 September 2013

Chronic Pain - Back Pain

Chronic Pain covers a lot, back pain included, and back pain can be quite a common thing in the workplace. Here is a guide to help relieve back pain at work. The guide explains what can cause back pain and how you can stop it. 

Friday 13 September 2013

Easy Exercise Ideas

Keeping healthy and exercising doesn't have to be a chore, or effort, as even house work could be your daily/ weekly exercise! So here are some easy exercise ideas to make exercising easy for you!

Thursday 12 September 2013

Yoga Tips

Yoga is a very good way to keep healthy, it cause weight loss, allows you to gain better balance and even have a better mental well being! Yoga isn't the easiest exercise to partake in, but here is a website on tips to improve your yoga practice.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

10 Best Dieting Tips

So it's that time of the year when everyone has just got back off holiday after eating pretty much double their body weight throughout the whole time on holiday, and you're feeling bloated and unhealthy. But fear no longer as I have found a website with the 10 best dieting tips to get you feeling healthy again!

Thursday 5 September 2013

Mental Health

It's Time to Talk. Charities are urging people with mental health issues to speak up about their problems as they believe this will help! Suffering from mental health problems? Well, visit this site to find out more about how you can talk out about your problems...

Tuesday 3 September 2013

5 ways to handle chronic pain

5 ways to deal with chronic pain:

  1. Find a pain specialist
  2. Don't chase your pain with pills
  3. Do your homework
  4. Epidurals and other nerve blocks and
  5. Manage your expectations.
For further information on all these points visit this website:

Sunday 1 September 2013

Chronic Pain - Pain Management

"Clinicians who specialise in treating chronic pain now recognise that it is not merely a sensation, like vision or touch, but rather chronic pain is strongly influenced by the ways in which the brain processes the pain signals." For further information visit:

Friday 30 August 2013

Dealing with Depression

"Depression drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it difficult to do what you need to feel better. But while overcoming depression isn’t quick or easy, it’s far from impossible. You can’t beat it through sheer willpower, but you do have some control—even if your depression is severe and stubbornly persistent. The key is to start small and build from there. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there if you make positive choices for yourself each day." For more information visit:

Food Allergy and Intolerance

"Food allergy is an immune response, while food intolerance is a chemical reaction"
Some people are sensitive to some types of food such as: nuts, dairy products and cereals; and if you eat any of these foods and symptoms such as breathing problems, rashes or stomach upsets its likely you're having an allergic reaction. It is caused by the immune system. Then food intolerance is caused by a chemical reaction. For further information:

Thursday 29 August 2013

What is Acupuncture? What are the benefits?

Acupunture originates from China and has been practiced there for thousand of years. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through a patients skin as specific points on the body. It is known that acupuncture has some therapeutic benefits, including pain relief and alleviation from nausea caused by chemotherapy. Acupuncture usually involves several weekly or fortnightly treatments and most sessions last about 30 minutes.
Some studies indicate that acupuncture may help in treating low back pain, migraines, post operative dental pain, hypertension, nausea and vomiting. For further information click this link where you'll be taken to a website explaining it all in more detail.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Chronic Pain Syndrome

Here you can find out what types of accident or trauma could cause chronic pain syndrome, and how you can claim if you believe you have this syndrome due to an accident. If you have an accident or trauma and the pain lasts over 3 to 6 months it is then described as Chronic, this is when chronic pain syndrome comes into it: Chronic pain syndrome is a syndrome which refers to persistent pain that doesn't tend to have an identifiable source. It is often caused by a minor or major injury but doesn't always appear straight away, but a short period after; which sometimes means it can take a while to actually diagnose. Due to it being so unspecific and not having an identifiable source chronic pain syndrome can have a very poor response to therapy.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Treating Depression

Depression IS treatable. However, depression doesn't just go away straight away it takes time, but with the right and most effective treatment for the depression it will eventually be treated and cured.

Types of treatment for depression are:

  • antidepressant tablets
  • talking treatments such as: counselling
  • mood stabilising medications and
  • support
These are the most common types of treatments, however, there are others which aren't used as much which are:
  • ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy 
  • special types of surgery (psychosurgery) and
  • SAD - bright light therapy for seasonal affective disorder
And potential treatments which may still be experimental or more evidence is needed or order to begin using them are:
  • Herbal remedies and
  • TMS - trans-cranial magnetic stimulation

Tuesday 13 August 2013

What puts you at risk of depression?

There are many things that can trigger depression and cause somebody to get it. These triggers are:

Family History

  • other members of family having depression
  • traumatic childhood experiences such as: violence
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • recreational or party drugs
  • social isolation
  • lack of sleep
  • poor diet or lack of exercise
  • death or loss of someone close
  • relationship break ups
  • traumatic life events
  • financial pressure
  • unemployment
  • serious accidents
  • long term illness
  • medication
  • stress of problems at work, school or university
  • bullying or abuse
  • some women can experience depression during and/or after pregnancy

Sunday 11 August 2013

Coping and Support for Mental Illnesses

The four key things to help you cope with mental illnesses are:

  1. Learn about your mental illness,
  2. Join a support group,
  3. Stay connected with friends and family and
  4. Keep a journal.
For further information on all four of these ideas on how to cope with mental illness visit this website:

Saturday 10 August 2013

Mental Health

"Mental Health describes a level of psychological well being, or an absence of a mental disorder. From the perspective of 'positive psychological' or 'holism', mental healthy may include an individuals ability to enjoy life, and create a balance life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. Mental health can also be defined as an expression of emotions, and as signifying a successful adaptation to a range of demands" 

Friday 9 August 2013

Yoga Headstands for Beginners

A common yoga position is a headstand. The video below shows you a step by step of how to do the perfect headstand and how to do it right without injuring yourself. Headstands increase nutrients and blood flow to the scalp decreasing onset of grey hair, they also strengthen deep core muscles. Furthermore, by reversing the flow of gravity a headstand stimulates a 'face lift'. The inverted position of the headstand flushes fresh nutrients and oxygen to the face. 

Yoga Headstand for Beginners - GetFitWithLeyla:

Thursday 8 August 2013

Yoga for Beginners

Creating a better mental well being within yourself or even trying to become healthier doesn't mean you have to partake n strenuous exercising, why not try a bit of yoga? But.. Never done yoga before? Well the link above shows all beginners how to do yoga. Furthermore, below is an image showing simple but effective yoga positions which can be done daily to help weight loss and create a better mental well being.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Benefits of Acupuncture

Health Benefits of Acupuncture:
  • Asthma
  • Anxiety
  • Fibromyalgla
  • Depression
  • Cystitls
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Chronic Low back pain
  • Strengthens the immune system 
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Helps overcome certain addictions such as: smoking, alcohol and drugs. 

Thursday 25 July 2013

The Fast Diet helping with Chronic Pain?

The Fast Diet. This is a very common diet which people are on at the moment to get their summer bodies. However, a particular person who has been on The Fast Diet for the past couple weeks has even found that it is helping with pain relief. Cherylee Houston, who has a form of the rare painful tissue disorder Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and has to use a wheelchair, has recently been feeling less pain due to this diet.

Read more at:

Foods that can help beat depression

One reason that could cause depression is poor nutrition, meaning a slight change in your diet could help and stop depression. Here are 5 foods for beating depression:

  • Fish Oils
  • Brown Rice
  • Brewer's Yeast
  • Whole grain oats and
  • Cabbage

Mental Health Issues

Mental health problems such as: depression and anxiety are very common. But many people don't actually know what they are and why people suffer. ( Depression is a state of low mood that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and sense of well being. People who suffer with depression may feel sad, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, guilty, hurt and restless. They may lose interest in activities that once they really enjoyed, experience loss of appetite or overeating, concentration problems, difficulty making decisions and may contemplate or attempt suicide. Insomnia, loss of energy and aches and pains are also very common when suffering with depression.

If you think you're suffering from any of these symptoms or feel as though you may be suffering from depression there are many ways to get help. Here is a website with lots of details about how to deal with mental health issues.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Mental Well Being

Being healthy isn't just about dieting and exercising to make yourself feel better, it is also your mental well being. Mental health is very important and there are some very common mental illnesses such as: depression and anxiety. But here are five steps to having a positive mental well being:

  • Connect; with people around you such as family and friends.
  • Be active
  • Keep learning; learn new skills for sense of achievement and new confidence
  • Give to others and 
  • Take notice; be more aware of the present moment

This NHS page gives more detail on how to keep a positive mental well being and also has links to pages about mental health illnesses and how to deal with them:

Tuesday 23 July 2013

NHS - Food Allergy

This is a more professional approach to what food allergies are, what the common symptoms are, what causes them, treatment and who is affected.

The most common causes of food allergies are: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish. Food allergies are caused when the immune system mistakenly treats proteins found in food as a threat to the body, when in fact they should be harmless. When it comes to treating food allergies there actually aren't any treatments which can fully cure it. However, finding out what food is causing the allergic reaction and avoiding it in the future is the most obvious and common treatment. Although there are medications to take which can calm down the symptoms, so for further information just visit the link above.

Monday 22 July 2013

Food Allergies

Food allergies are very common within people and can be one of the reasons  you think you can't have a healthy diet/ lifestyle as there are certain foods you can't eat. However, this isn't true as there are many alternatives. For example; if you have a nut allergy there are certain foods that can be eaten as alternatives. Visit this site to find out more --- Battle your nut allergy with 6 healthy alternatives

A rash. A common symptom of an allergy.

But. What are food allergies?
"A food allergy is an adverse immune response to a food protein"
Further information on what it really is, signs, symptoms and how it can be prevented and treated

What Does Acupuncture Treat?

Acupuncture is known to help manage or even cure certain conditions and diseases and is good for a person's well being. Here is a list of what acupuncture can actually treat and help with:

Women's Health:

  • Menstrual Irregularities
  •  Menopause
  • Conception Difficulties
  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Lactation Difficulties
  • Postpartum
  • Ovarian and 
  • Uterine Problems.
Men's Health
  • Prostate
  • Infertility and 
  • Impotence
Other Conditions
  • Asthma
  • Cough
  • Digestive Problems
  • Behavioural Problems
  • Ear Infections
  • Sleep Problems
  • Stress Management
  • Wellness
  • Seasonal Attunement

For further information visit:

Sunday 21 July 2013

New research says it really does work. So what IS the truth about acupuncture?

Daily Mail - Acupuncture

There are many different opinions about acupuncture and whether it actually works. But now research has shown that it really does work, however, this doesn't stop critics from disagreeing. It has been proven to work on real life patients such as one named: Sally Wright. The Daily Mail article above explains further how it worked for Sally and why critics still do not believe it does.


Acupuncture is another way to improve your well being and make you feel healthier. What is acupuncture? "Acupuncture is a collection of procedures involving penetration of the skin with needles to stimulate certain points on the body".

For a further definition:

Saturday 20 July 2013

Guide on how to do Yoga for beginners

Here is a step by step guide showing beginners how to do yoga:

Why do Yoga?

So, yoga, why do it? Well..

  • It improves muscle tone and flexibility,
  • Reduces stress and tension
  • Boosts self esteem
  • Improves concentration
  • Lowers fat
  • Improves circulation
  • Stimulates the immune system and
  • Creates sense of well being.
All great reasons why you should take up Yoga! But as well as all those benefits of doing yoga it can even help manage of control things such as: anxiety, back pain, chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, stress and other conditions and diseases. 

Want to read up more about this?


What is Yoga?

When it comes to wanting a healthy lifestyle there are many things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. People tend to think to be healthy all you have to do is make sure what you're eating is healthy, however, there are other ways to make yourself even more healthier. Yoga.

"Yoga is a commonly known generic term for the physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines". Participating in yoga also helps for a healthy living. Not only does it make you look better physically is also helps mentally. Making you all round healthier.

For more information on this click the link above (What is Yoga?) where you will be taken to a Wikipedia page explaining in depth what yoga is and how it helps.

Friday 19 July 2013

Healthy Diet Recipes, Menus and Tips

Healthy Diet Recipes, Menus and Tips

Needing tips and recipes for how to keep a healthy diet? Well click the link above where there are many different healthy recipe ideas to use when cooking. All the same tasty food you like to eat but made healthy. 

Getting the balance right

This image shows the right portion amount of each type of food on average we should be eating. As we can see the main food categories are fruit and vegetables and breads, other cereals and potatoes. Where as foods containing fat and sugary drinks only take up a small percentage.

In order to maintain and have a healthy diet getting the balance right is very important. But it does not mean you have to cut out all the tasty treats, although, eating less will mean a healthier diet.

Thursday 18 July 2013


What is Dieting?

"Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated fashion to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight." On the link above there is a further in depth definition of what dieting actually is from Wikipedia.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating: Is this the ultimate healthy meal?

When it comes to healthy eating not many people tend to know what we actually can and can't eat, and how much of certain foods we can eat without it becoming classed as unhealthy. On this BBC Science webpage they explain the types of food that should be eating within a healthy diet, and how much of it you should eat in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.