Friday, 27 September 2013

Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain Syndrome

Chronic pain syndrome is an all too common condition which comes about after a trauma in many cases. Whether it’s a hard fall, an RTA or something else the lasting damage of chronic pain syndrome can be life-changing. Learning to live with chronic pain syndrome takes time but considering some non-drug based treatments can help. Here are our five suggestions for alternative treatment for chronic pain.

Alternative Therapies

Although there isn’t any significant research to support the claim, evidence is beginning to suggest that acupuncture can provide significant relief from chronic pain syndrome. Other alternative therapies including massage, meditation and visiting an osteopath can also help to relieve symptoms.


With recommendation from your GP light low-impact exercise such as walking and swimming can help relieve chronic pain. Many physiotherapy departments offer structured exercise classes which are designed to be gentle and help exercise the parts of your body which need to be stretched.


Sometimes your doctor will refer you for genuine physiotherapy or occupational therapy as opposed to exercising on your own. These sessions will be tailored to your medical needs and will work with your body to find ways of relieving your pain.

Nerve Stimulation

Nerve stimulation therapy comes in the form of electrical jolts (very small ones) being sent through the affected area of the body. The result is said to block the nerve impulses that cause the chronic pain. This type of therapy can be offered through a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machine or you can have an implantable device fitted.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy is a form of psychotherapy which has seen impressive results with some chronic pain patients. It works by helping you find ways to manage the discomfort you’re suffering and limit the extent to which it interferes with daily life. CBT helps many people who feel they are bound to lying in bed for the rest of their days realise there is scope for movement and there are possibilities.

All treatments should be sought with the support of a medical professional and should be tailored to your specific pain. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Chronic Pain Syndrome

Here you can find out what types of accident or trauma could cause chronic pain syndrome, and how you can claim if you believe you have this syndrome due to an accident. If you have an accident or trauma and the pain last over 3 to 6 months it is then describe as chronic, this is when chronic pain syndrome comes into it. Chronic pain syndrome is a syndrome which refers to persistent pain that doesn't tend to have an identifiable source. It is often caused by a minor or major injury but doesn't always appear straight away, but a short period after; which sometimes means it can take a while to actually diagnose. Due to it being so unspecific and not having an identifiable source chronic pain syndrome can have a very poor response to therapy.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Food Allergies - Tips for eating out

Food Allergies - Tips for eating out

Just because you have a good allergy doesn't mean you should find dining out risky. However, food allergies used to mean dining out WAS limited to your back garden or eating at the home of a close friend. But now restaurants are more aware of food allergies, making it easier for people with food allergies to eat out! To find out more click the link above...

Monday, 16 September 2013

Chronic Pain - Back Pain

Chronic Pain covers a lot, back pain included, and back pain can be quite a common thing in the workplace. Here is a guide to help relieve back pain at work. The guide explains what can cause back pain and how you can stop it. 

Friday, 13 September 2013

Easy Exercise Ideas

Keeping healthy and exercising doesn't have to be a chore, or effort, as even house work could be your daily/ weekly exercise! So here are some easy exercise ideas to make exercising easy for you!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Yoga Tips

Yoga is a very good way to keep healthy, it cause weight loss, allows you to gain better balance and even have a better mental well being! Yoga isn't the easiest exercise to partake in, but here is a website on tips to improve your yoga practice.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

10 Best Dieting Tips

So it's that time of the year when everyone has just got back off holiday after eating pretty much double their body weight throughout the whole time on holiday, and you're feeling bloated and unhealthy. But fear no longer as I have found a website with the 10 best dieting tips to get you feeling healthy again!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Mental Health

It's Time to Talk. Charities are urging people with mental health issues to speak up about their problems as they believe this will help! Suffering from mental health problems? Well, visit this site to find out more about how you can talk out about your problems...

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

5 ways to handle chronic pain

5 ways to deal with chronic pain:

  1. Find a pain specialist
  2. Don't chase your pain with pills
  3. Do your homework
  4. Epidurals and other nerve blocks and
  5. Manage your expectations.
For further information on all these points visit this website:

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Chronic Pain - Pain Management

"Clinicians who specialise in treating chronic pain now recognise that it is not merely a sensation, like vision or touch, but rather chronic pain is strongly influenced by the ways in which the brain processes the pain signals." For further information visit: